Monday, October 19, 2009

Not my first rodeo

I've tried this before to, well, not necessarily disastrous results. I suppose I would call them more anticlimactic... ineffectual... perhaps even worthless. Nevertheless, I'm here again to give you bits and pieces of my everyday life. I can't imagine how this could be entertaining, but I'm all about giving it a try.

I sit with a box of Godiva chocolates that were a gift from a recent houseguest, and I'm faced with the realization of how truly impotent I am in the face of anything created from the cocoa bean. I confess that I ate all the milk chocolate pieces first because, let's face it, nothing but nothing is better than smooth, rich, creamy, milky, sugary chocolate. (Who's rummaging for a Hershey bar? Anyone?) I'm contemplating my third piece of dark chocolate, wishing I still had the milk chocolate, but still unable to turn away the delicious dark chocolate. Am even eyeing that little wrapped piece that says 50% cocoa and I know it will be darker than even the dark chocolate. And still I drool.

I was just rewarded for my contemplation of the darkest of dark chocolate, for I found a hidden gem of milk chocolate below. I'm staring at it, willing myself not to pick it up, but knowing that I will. On top of that, I'm praying that it's filled with caramel or, even better, more chocolate, but knowing that it will probably be filled with raspberry. Can I compromise and get mint? Mint is good. It's not caramel or chocolate, but infinitely better than sullying good chocolate with fruit.

My completely ridiculous and asinine prayers have been answered, for I did in fact succumb to the call of the chocolate and find it filled with a creamy chocolaty, hazelnutty goodness that truly pushes the limits of cocoa deliciousness. I will put away the chocolates after this, for no dark chocolate, 50% cocoa will possibly stand after this bit of heaven.

I bid you adieu and leave you in the grace and favor of Godiva. Or a Hersey's Kiss if you can get it.



  1. 70% cocoa (and I think crazy Swiss actually have 80). *That's* dark chocolate. Why not go lick asphalt, instead? Hmpf. Now I will have to resort to eating chocolate spread with a spoon, for have no chocolate, for have not bought it as part of mastermind plan to not consume chocolate if it is not there....(but then bought chocolate spread instead...not *real* chcolate right?)Bottom line: chocolate is ruin. But what a way to go...

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying the chocolate my dear - dark and all. Had I known you didn't care for the dark chocolate, I would have downed a few before I left!

    I've been eating this 80% dark chocolate bar I got at Target a few weeks ago...and yeah, little to dark for my tastes. You know something is wrong if you still have half a chocolate bar left after 2 weeks...

  3. I LOVE dark chocolate! You misunderstood! I just have an irrational lust for the milk chocolate. Not a good idea to get between me and chocolate of any kind, really.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. You and Liam with your fruit and vegetable aversions...good thing God made mac-n-cheese. And chocolate, of course!

    Oh, by the way...the chocolate cake is gone. I had it for breakfast. :-)

  6. Mmm choccie...if I'd know I would have slipped some into the package before sending today..alas you will have to suffice with choccie bickies!!!

  7. Would like to state for the record that I am not in anyway averse to fruit or vegetables, except as they apply to chocolate.
