Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jude's Journey

Posts about chocolate are lovely, aren't they? I find myself wondering just how many people dug around for a bit after reading. I had anticipated maybe talking about other "obsessions" of mine, including Starbucks and music. Those can be saved for another day, though, because something very real has been pressed upon my heart.

There's this book I wrote, and the greatest blessing thus far has been the amazing friends that I've made from all over the world. I am having the best time, learning about other countries and their cultures, but one thing is perfectly clear. Cancer affects people from Finland, Italy, Russia, Malaysia, Australia... The country of origin is no matter, for each person reading this knows at least one person who suffers; perhaps even may be the one suffering.

My new, and very dear friend, Genevieve from Sydney has kept me apprised of Judy Mulcahy's battle with melanoma. Of course, I know people from Nashville with cancer, and I know that we should always be concerned with home first. Sometimes we forget, though, that we're not the center of the universe; there is illness everywhere. I've read Mrs. Mulcahy's blog, and I'm so heartened by her optimism and strength. She is a beacon of light for us all, showing us grace and inner joy in the face of darkness.

I challenge you to read her words of despair and hope, of brokenness and strength, of heartbreak and love. Follow Jude's Journey, cheer with her and her family, and for the love of Ghiradelli, let's beat cancer!



  1. You are super precious and I'm glad I know you.. I look forward to knowing you properly over beers one day very soon!

  2. I ditto everything Gen just said and more. Jude and her family are humbled by all the love and prayers being said for them. We know Judy will NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP... that is her motto.
